< Last Modified: Thursday May 6th 1999 14:40 (GMT) >
I realise it's been a while since I last updated my site here, but I've just come out of hospital with an Atypical Communal Pneumonia. That sort of thing can knock you out for quite a bit. More on this in a bit. As for the time off I've had, it means I'm just about completed putting together the first three parts of the Wheel of Time Infrequently Asked Questions list. Expect it to appear on the site real soon now.
I intended to give full vent to my thoughts and feelings on many kinds of books and videos too. Since this seems like a simpler task, I'm going to open that section of the Website first. And given my recent recalcitrant stay in hospital which I mentioned above, it's only appropriate that I kick off with the insanely brilliant and different hospital drama "The Kingdom". And naturally, at the end of each review, I'll have a link for buying the item at an appropriate store.
The Waygate
Full of pointers to various fan sites on the Web, and Jordan/WOT related topics it also includes pointers to the must-read Wheel of Time FAQ.The Legendary Guide Archives:
A more professional looking site, with plenty of official sites related to TOR (the book publishers) up to the new PC game based on the Wheel of Time series of novels.
With the answers to all of life's most annoying questions. Updated weekly, this site has now undergone an expansion of it's on-line archive. More upgrades to follow soon, probably. But for now, the archive has expanded all the way back to 1994 (May 6th, I believe). Check at the site for latest information.
For most of the latest movie news, and not just gossip rumour and innuendo which is what I keep finding in Empire, Film and various other movie news magazines. Updated daily, and sometimes several times a day.
An online daily version of the most sucessful comic strip in the world. This site also contains a one month archive of Dilbert strips, and a whole host of other Dilbert links and related jokes, such as Lists of the Day, as well as the Dilbert store (for your merchandising needs) and information on the Dilbert cartoon.
The site where you can download high quality real media episodes of South Park and Futurama. Is usually only a week or two behind the US, and months and months ahead of Europe and most other sites.
SFX is a reasonable UK sci-fi magazine that recently opened a daily news round up on the online version of their magazine.Author Profile on jms
Joeseph Michael Straczynski (more commonly known as JMS) is the man responsible for creating the sci-fi television sensation Babylon 5. He regularly posts to Usenet, so this link will take you to his posts, which are stored on DejaNews.V'Shael (Fortune City)
A mirror site of this one.
Updated in real time, this is "News for nerds". The stuff that matters. If Linux, nanites, technology, Amiga, coding and hacking (not cracking) are your thing, then you probably already know this site. If not, go their now and thank me later.
My own personal favourite red-head in the world. The site has just undergone a major upgrade in content. Plenty of news about her engagement and upcoming marriage. All of the previously dysfunctional links on the site are now working too. Last update: 18th June.